How To Optimize Your Results With Using The iTeraCare Blower Device

1. This device can be used to charge/structure drinking water. Holding the device above a glass container of water, blow directly onto the surface of the water for a recommended 2-5 minutes per gallon. Hold the unit back from the water far enough to avoid splashing. Never charge water in plastic or metal containers. More information can be found online for the benefits of structured THZ water.

2. Charging your tea, natural fruit juice and water detox juices will help increase their detoxification effects and increase nutrients in the body. Never charge carbonated drinks, or refrigerated.

3. Drink 2 glasses of warm charged water before AND after each session. Those who can't drink the recommended amount at once, may drink some during the session, and more after the session.

4. For the first 3 uses, follow the steps for "Basic 10 Point Usage Technique" to slowly introduce the THZ frequency to your body. This will help clear blockages in the body and open meridian points. Spend about 20 minutes following these steps over the entire body.

5. Next, focus on uncomfortable areas, or areas where you want to encourage cellular regeneration and damaged cell removal. 5-15 minutes per area is recommended.

6. Never blow on areas with hemorrhaging, open wounds, cuts, or burns. This may cause more pain and unwanted reactions.

7. It is perfectly fine to continue taking your supplements and medicine while using the iTeraCare device. Once you see significant progress, you will want to consult your healthcare practitioner for possible changes.

8. A total of 15-30 minutes of use per day may be all that is needed for healthy individuals. Those with health challenges should not use it more than 2 hours per day, whether in a single session, or multiple sessions. It is recommended that you take a break for 3 days every month, or 1 day per week during continuous use of this device. The break is important so the body's cells won't become desensitized to the frequency and respond less optimally.

9. If you experience a severe healing crisis, we recommend you cut back on the use of the device by up to 50% of the usual time (for example, from 30 minutes down to 15 minutes), until you start feeling better. Consider getting plenty of rest and drinking up to 4 quarts of charged water per day.

10. Once you achieve your health goal, minimize regular prolonged use of the device. Using it for 5-10 minutes per day is perfect. Take a break every 7 days. But, don't stop drinking lots of charged water.

11. While the device can be used through clothes with great effect, direct application to bare skin will help to maximize the iTeraCare warming effect in the body.

12. Enjoy the journey to wellness and optimal health! Never worry, and always be joyful since within you is the power to heal yourself. Let this device help unlock that healing power!


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